am all about women empowerment. Matter of fact, it is safe to say, I am a feminist. But, when it comes to gender equality, is the scale balance, or starting to tip over? To have a successful community, a successful nation, we need both women and men to succeed equally. We need men to succeed; we need them to marry and raise strong children; we need men as much as women if we are to rebuild the family. Given the daily attacks on manhood in our media and our culture, the odds of creating strong, good men are ever shrinking. Unless we give the same attention to our boys and young men that we give to their female counterparts, the situation will only grow worse. Without a determined effort to raise our sons with the same sense of hope and aspiration given our daughters, to let them know that masculinity is as positive a value as femininity, to teach them honor, courage, and virtue, we will see even fewer intact families, an ongoing sense of hopelessness and despa...
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