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Showing posts from January, 2017


by Berenice Mulubah Berenice Mulubah Me pah my own, I’m Grebo At least, that’s what I have convinced myself Maybe, because I spent some time in Pleabo Or, because my mother, herself is Grebo Despite what the truth is deep my heart they are my people My father may be from Lofa But, what is Lofa to me? A place I’ve never been His people I have never seen Can’t even speak the dialect But sure, I enjoy the food And, that’s how far my love goes I was born and raised in Harper That is home for me My mother and her people are from Harper They are family to me So, when I’m asked, “what’s your tribe?” I just say, “Me pah my own, I’m Grebo.” Even though, my dad is from Lofa Harper is home to me